Legacies and donations
As a cemetery, we are not run or funded by government or a council. Ballarat General Cemeteries Trust relies on funds that we raise ourselves, and all of it is devoted to maintain and enhance our cemeteries: we don’t make a profit.
When it comes to providing a place to remember, and be remembered, our local community wants and deserves the very best. A bequest is a very effective way of making a gift to Ballarat General Cemeteries and any contribution, large or small, helps ensure the preservation of history and nurturing of our beautiful, distinctive environments.
Be an angel…send a donation! Any gift, large or small, will help maintain the history, beauty and outstanding services of Ballarat General Cemeteries.
By mail
Download and print a donation form.
Mail the completed form to:Ballarat General Cemeteries Trust
1250 Doveton Street North
Victoria 3350
By phone
Please call 03 5332 1469 to make a credit card donation. Visa and MasterCard are accepted.
By fax
Download and print the donation form by clicking here. Fax to 03 5333 5869
In person
Make a donation at Ballarat General Cemeteries 1250 Doveton Street North, Ballarat, Victoria 3350
Leave a bequest
After providing for those closest to you in your Will, please consider leaving a bequest to the Ballarat General Cemeteries Trust.
Self-funded and not-for-profit, the Trust is responsible for providing the community with the best possible service in burials, cremation and memorialisation. It is also deeply committed to preserving the heritage and history of its cemeteries.
Any consideration you can make to the Trust in your Will, large or small, is greatly appreciated. On the strength of many generous community contributions combined, the Trust can plan ahead with confidence in our continued delivery of first-class services and care.
Steps in leaving a bequest
If you would like to leave a bequest to Ballarat General Cemeteries Trust, you may wish to:
- Make an appointment with your solicitor to draw up your Will, or review your existing Will.
- Choose the type of gift you might like to leave, including:
- Residuary bequest: The best type of bequest to leave the Trust is a residuary bequest, which is a percentage of your estate. A residuary bequest maintains its value over time.
- Dollar amount: You nominate an exact dollar amount to gift to the Trust.
- Specific items of value: Anything of value, such as shares, property, jewellery or works of art, may be named in your Will and bequeathed directly to the Trust.
- Discuss with your solicitor the appropriate wording for you Will, for example, “I devise and bequeath the whole of my estate (or … % of my estate, or the residue of my estate…whichever appropriate) to the Ballarat General Cemeteries Trust, Doveton St North, Ballarat 3350. ABN 60 596 346 125.
- Discuss your wishes with your family.
- Inform us of your gift. If you have included the Trust in your Will, or are considering doing so, please let us know by phoning our cemetery office staff on 5332 1469, emailing us on enquiries@ballaratcemeteries.com.auor writing to us at 1250 Doveton St North, Ballarat, 3350. That way we can thank you and keep you informed of our activities. Hearing from you could provide us with valuable feedback and help us inspire others in the community to improve the quality of our services.
Should you have any questions about making a gift in your Will, please contact us today. We would be pleased to hear from you and respect your confidentiality at all times.